Six myths about oil painting

Over the past several years, acrylic paint has become much more popular than oil paint. Some people are hesitant to use it because they have heard many negative things about it and are even afraid of it.

So we will try to demystify the six false beliefs of oil painting.

1) Oil paint is toxic 🤢

Nowadays, it is easier to find oil paints that are non-toxic*. Rather, it is certain solvents that can be! Please note that there are several alternatives to avoid this type of solvent. Here are two ecological and effective solutions:

The natural solvent based on citrus fruits: Citrus distillate is an excellent solvent of plant origin which allows the dilution of oil and varnish-based products.

Marseille soap: Use Marseille soap for the first time to clean the brushes, then start again with soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Repeat these two steps as needed.

    In all cases, it is essential to remove excess paint from your brushes before cleaning them.

    ATTENTION! Some companies now have non-toxic paints, but not all do. It is important to read labels and recommendations carefully when purchasing.

    2) Oil paint gives off strong odors 👃

    This was true in the past, but it is no longer the case. Although oil paint has a distinctive smell, it is no longer as strong and unpleasant as before. Some paints and solvents no longer have an odor . We strongly recommend the odorless solvent based on taltine* from the company Demco , available in stores.

    It is now much more enjoyable to practice this technique!

    ATTENTION! This product is indeed odorless, but remains toxic. Handle with care.

    3) Oil painting is difficult and complicated 🎨

    Oil painting is no more complicated than acrylic painting. In fact, it has many advantages. It is more fluid and allows us to work in thick layers, which allows us to create effects and/or relief more easily. It is also easier to correct if you make a mistake or change your mind.

    4) Oil paint takes time to dry

    Yes and no. Oil paint takes a little longer to dry, which gives the artist the opportunity to mix colors well, refine details or even rework a section.

    The technique used also affects the drying time. Obviously, the thicker the paint is applied, the longer it will dry, for example when working with a spatula. However, if you work in a very thin layer, it is easy to continue work quickly.

    TIP 👉 Starting two canvases at the same time will allow you to alternate from one to the other during the drying period. So you will never have time to get bored!

    5) Oil painting requires more skill and talent than acrylic

    No matter what painting technique you choose, whether it's acrylic paint, oil paint or even watercolor, the key is to take your time. When painting, there is no rush. Let yourself be guided by your creativity and you will be more than surprised by the results. Although some have more "natural" talent, experience and perseverance are often the key to success.

    6) “It’s much more beautiful than water-based paint”

    We believe that all tastes are in nature. Some people prefer oil paint and others acrylic paint. Both techniques are as interesting as each other.

    However, oil paint is known to have exceptional durability . Many masterpieces made in oil are still in good condition several centuries later. However, it must be taken into consideration that these works by famous painters were produced with very high quality paint to stand the test of time.