9 months to knit baby essentials

9 months to knit baby essentials

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Creations adapted to each of the three trimesters of pregnancy for the pleasure of knitting, while waiting for Baby! Julie aka Lili Comme Tout, guides us in making decidedly cute knitted clothes and accessories for babies.

20 fashionable knitting models: sleeping bag, slippers, dress, sweater, vest, headband....
Photographed step by step, and clear explanations to understand all the basics.
For each creation, a new knitting lesson to progress as your belly gets rounder. “Adorable models for boys and girls, to wrap our little ones in lovingly knitted layettes. »

Lise, from the Lise Tailor blog. “Beautiful projects and all the techniques to start knitting while waiting for Baby! »

Vanessa from the blog Le Dé Cousu . Julie Parti is the creator of the site Lili Comme Tout (www.lilicommetout.com). His trademark ? Simple stitches mixed with a little technique, mixtures of texture, and timeless ones twisted by pretty details. Mother of twins, she took up knitting late in life, shortly before their birth. When she started developing patterns that perfectly met her expectations, her life took a whole new turn....

Author : Party, Julie
Publisher: L’Inédite

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