Crochet pattern - Bas Saint-Laurent
Crochet pattern - Bas Saint-Laurent
Crochet pattern - Bas Saint-Laurent

Crochet pattern - Bas Saint-Laurent

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Get the crochet pattern “Bas Saint-Laurent” by Akroche Tatuk!

You simply have to follow the payment steps and you will receive the pattern in your email box.

The pattern includes sizes: from baby size to adult men's size.

Materials required:
Wool M Socquette available here.
- Super fine stocking wool (size 1). I use the M Socquette from Madolaine.
Color A: cotton (1 ball)/Color B: gray (1 ball)/Color C: cherry (1 ball)
- E hook (3.50 mm), G hook (4 mm)
- Scissors and wool needle.
- Stitch markers (between 5 and 13 depending on size). You can also use pieces of wool in a contrasting color.

Number of balls:
Baby and child sizes:
Very small - Color A: 8 g/Color B: 12 ​​g/Color C: 1 g
Small - Color A: 13 g/Color B: 26 g/Color C: 1 g
Medium - Color A: 14 g/Color B: 33 g/Color C: 1 g
Large - Color A: 15 g/Color B: 43 g/Color C: 1 g

Adult sizes:
Very small - Color A: 22 g/Color B: 44 g/Color C: 2 g
Small - Color A: 26 g/Color B: 53 g/Color C: 2 g
Medium - Color A: 30 g/Color B: 68 g/Color C: 2 g
Large - Color A: 35 g/Color B: 81 g/Color C: 2

HOOK: 3.5 - 4mm

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