Transparent Glaze Medium

Transparent Glaze Medium

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Clear Glaze Medium is a matte transparent acrylic medium with several different uses. Use alone or in conjunction with Jo Sonja artists from Chroma and Background Colors. Apply as a light sealer before painting, staining or varnishing or as a barrier coat between coats. Mix with base color to seal during base coat. Use as a general painting medium for staining, glazing and other transparent effects.

Instructions :
• As a sealer or barrier coat, apply a medium coat of Clear Glaze Medium to the surface using a clean brush appropriate to the size of the surface.
• Apply undiluted as a light sealer to raw wood and all paint. For stripping or staining wood, seal with 1 coat of Clear Glaze Medium over raw wood to ensure even application of stain.
• Mix desired Jo Sonja Artists Chroma color with Clear Glazing Medium to create wood glazes or stains. Start with 3 parts Clear Glaze Medium and 1 part Retarder or color. The ratio is determined by the strength of the desired color. Apply paint and medium in the direction of the wood grain, wiping with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove excess. Allow to dry before repeating coats.

• Can be used as a general painting medium where a transparent color is desired. For glaze or floating color, load the brush with Clear Glaze Medium or the Clear Glaze Medium & Retarder mixture above. Mix on palette before side loading with color. Mix to soften color and apply to deepen values ​​or enhance colors. Apply Clear Glaze Medium undiluted over all paint and before varnishing as a protective barrier coat. Applying Clear Glaze Medium to the design area will block the paint and make correction easier without disturbing the previous coat.
• A maximum of three coats can be applied within 24 hours.
• A hairdryer can be used to speed up drying of the surface. Approximate coverage: 1 ml = 188 cm² / 1 oz = 6 square feet

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