Basic knitting course for beginners - (Location Salon Olivier Bresse)

Basic knitting course for beginners - (Location Salon Olivier Bresse)

Regular price28.00$
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You want to learn to knit or get back into this wonderful hobby, this course is for you.

Whether it's casting on stitches, knitting and purling stitches, how to pick up a dropped stitch, making yarn overs, decreases or increases, and even beautiful seams.

Teacher : Constance Émond

Beginner level

When : Friday morning every 2 weeks starting September 8, 2023

Time : 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Number of places available per course: 6 per 3-hour session

Only for this basic course, it will be possible to register for the desired number of courses.

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