Spinning with Sabrina (salon Olivier Bresse)
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Making your first yarn by hand with a spindle
Course description: In this course, we'll learn how to use a spindle to transform raw fiber into ready-to-knit yarn. We'll also see how to choose a spindle according to a project and how to make a single- or double-strand yarn.
- Choose your spindle
- Choose your fiber
- Twisting yarn
- Make a 1 or 2-strand yarn
Prerequisites: No prerequisites, just the desire to learn!
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Sabrina Boutin
Duration: 5h in two sessions of 2h30 each
Number of places available per class: 8
Salon Olivier Bresse (second floor)
7685 1st Avenue
Quebec City, G1H 2Y2
Materials provided:
- 1 spindle
- 1 sheepskin fiber braid, approx. 100g
* Course non-exchangeable, non-refundable