SOS BA-BA knitting, tips & tricks, advice

SOS BA-BA knitting, tips & tricks, advice

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SOS knitting
How to hide a missed stitch?
How to recognize the wrong side?
Can you knit with two threads?
What do all these mysterious expressions mean in the explanations?

Do not panic ! This little guide will provide you with all the answers to the questions you have always asked yourself, whether you are a beginner or an experienced!

In the program
The basics of knitting step by step: all the steps from casting on the stitches to the final seam!
Lots of tips: unknit a stitch or a row, cut a piece of knitting, read a pattern, take your measurements...
Model transformations: lengthening a sweater, changing the shape of a collar...
6 basic and easy to knit patterns!

So grab your needles, knitting will no longer have any secrets for you!

Marie Claire Editions

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